Korean: This is identical to Default in DSi Mode, but in DS Mode has a more complete set of hangul, at the cost of characters for other languagesĬustom fonts are loaded from sd:/_nds/TWiLightMenu/extras/fonts//.nftr where is whatever name you want and.Chinese (Simplified): This uses Noto Sans CS as the primary font and has significantly more Chinese (Simplified) characters in DS Mode, at the cost of characters for other languages.Default: This uses the official DSi font as it’s primary font and supports all characters that are used in TWiLight Menu++ itself in all languages in DS mode.

When TWiLight Menu++ is running in DSi Mode they all contain all of the characters that should be needed for all of the languages TWiLight is translated to, but when running in DS Mode they are more limited due to RAM limitations. There are three fonts included with TWiLight Menu++. They will be used in Settings, the Manual’s titles, and in the Nintendo DSi, Nintendo 3DS, SEGA Saturn, and Homebrew Launcher themes. TWiLight Menu++ can use custom fonts in NFTR (Nitro FonT Resource) format.